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Society of Air Force Physician Assistants

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DHA Director Reading List and Recommended resource sites

8 Mar 2022 09:14 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

INFORMATION CURRENT AS OF 1230 (EST), Mar. 4, 2022    




Theodor Seuss Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss, said it best: “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”  


Our commitment to continuous learning and improvement is a key component of our efforts to advance high reliability across the MHS and provide high-quality care to our service members and their families. For the DHA, that means focusing on research, development, and innovation. As lifelong learners, that means dedicating time to reading.   

While reading is an important part of professional development, it also has a role to play in maintaining physical and mental health. Reading has been shown to strengthen connections in the brain and improve memory and concentration. In fact, reading for just 30 minutes a day can reduce the physical and emotional signs of stress.  


I’m often asked what books I’m currently reading or would recommend. It’s a simple question that brings me great joy. As a naturally inquisitive person, I often find inspiration, insight, and new perspectives in the pages of a good book. As we kick off National Reading Month, here’s my Professional Reading List, which includes books about our profession, health care, leadership, strategy, economics, and innovation. In short, there’s something for everyone.  


Are any of your favorite books on my list? What are you currently reading and why?  


To provide the best possible care to our 9.6 million beneficiaries, we must strive to better understand the world around us and never settle for the status quo. We must actively look for ways to make our daily operations safer and more efficient, and be willing to learn and adapt, to seek guidance from those with the most relevant knowledge and experience and then commit to using that knowledge to mentor others.  


In their book, Patients Come Second: Leading Change by Changing the Way You Lead, authors Britt Berrett and Paul Spiegelman explain how the Navy’s Seal Team Six motivates and empowers its team: “Each member of the team knew the ultimate goal of their shared mission, and each had the tools required to make sure that goal was accomplished.”  


Because of your dedication to our shared mission, we’re able to deliver the optimal care our beneficiaries expect and deserve. Thanks for all you do to embrace our mission, vision, and values as a DHA team. 




Ronald J. Place, MD    

LTG, US Army   

Director, Defense Health Agency 

#ICYMI – Here’s Some Additional News You Can Use 

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Check out Good To Know, a repository of workforce FAQs on the Military Health System 

Society of Air Force Physician Assistants is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 2400 McCullough Ave. PO Box 12282, San Antonio, Tx, 78212

*SAFPA is an AAPA Chartered Chapter*

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