what can safpa do for you?What questions can we help answer?let us know! send us an emailHELPFUL INFO:OPR Timeline: OPR's.docx Promotion Process: Officer Promotion Information.docx How to request orders: Start with the ANG 336 ANG 336 AGR Order Process.docx Different types of orders available. Types of duty days. Interested in Attending AMP: AMP Summary for PAs.pdf FY 2023 funding for AMP for Guard and Reserves has been halted DID YOU KNOW?The Guard is now approved to receive Incentive Pay (ICP) and Board Certification Pay (BCP) when on orders for 30 days or more. What is ICP? What is BCP? How does that affect your paycheck? Incentive pay and Board Certification Pay for Medical Officers Instructions.docx Blank BCP Cert of Eligibility Non-Flight Surgeon (FINAL) - eForm.pdf Blank IP Agreement Non-Flight Surgeon (FINAL) Fixed - eForm.pdf Blank FY19 IPBCP Final ApplicationFixed.pdf Civilian specialties can be listed as a secondary AFSC use the link below to find out how? PA Shredout Presentation M Turk 2022.pptx WMP-1 AFSC substitutions for MPA/Deployments .pdf WHERE DO i FIND?
Have you broken the code on navigating the Air Force way of doing things as a PA? If so, please send your insights Maj Burress Lt Col Handegard to put on our page. Looking for volunteer opportunities ? AF CONNECT APP is the place to look use link below for instructions: AF Connect App how to guide M Turk 2022.pdf |
We are working on an email list. Please update your membership profile to annotate RES/NG, STATE and Retired status along with Correct email |
2023 BOD Nominations: Nomination and platform submissions: 12 March Polls will open 15 March!! Standby for announcements! Submit nominations to SAFPA.nominations@gmail.com by 2359 (EST) on 12 March 2023 All Candidates for elected office must be a current Fellow member of SAFPA and maintain Fellow status in both SAFPA and AAPA for the duration of their term of office. See below for position descriptions, qualifications and terms of office. SAFPA OFFICER POSITIONS: PRESIDENT The president is the key person that represents SAFPA to the AAPA. The president communicates SAFPA concerns to the USAF PA Associate Corps Chief and keeps them informed of potential legislative changes that may impact how PAs practice medicine in the Air Force. In addition, the president is responsible for coordinating and presiding over Board of Directors (BOD) meetings (in person or via virtual teleconference-VTC) and two formal membership meetings each year. The president ensures each officer on the BOD conducts themselves in accordance with the By-laws, and the highest standards of military officership. They will submit a written bi-annual report that includes a summary of the activities and accomplishments of the office as and recommendations for the coming year; these should be posted for each edition of the SAFPA newsletter. Term of Office: *One year at the conclusion of the President-Elect term; followed by one year as past president. Required to be both a SAFPA and an AAPA member in good standing and accordance with SAFPA and APPA By-Laws. PRESIDENT ELECT The President-Elect assists the President in every endeavor. They are required to be knowledgeable of the duties and responsibilities of the President and perform such duties as assigned by the President. In the event the President cannot complete the term of office, the President-Elect will assume all responsibilities. At the completion of the first year of office, the President-Elect will assume the President`s position. The President-Elect seeks opportunities to represent the organization at professional and social functions in a positive manner. They coordinate the submission of the AAPA Constituent Organization Award of Excellence and manage the SAFPA award process. It is recommended that they write a 'Perspective' column for each edition of the SAFPA newsletter. The President-Elect will serve as advisor to assigned committees, attend BOD meetings, the Leadership Summit and applicable AAPA regional meetings as assigned. This officer will assist in recruitment for nominations and reside over the election process. Eligibility: Required to be both a SAFPA and an AAPA member in good standing. Qualifications: Must have held at least one prior position on the SAFPA BOD and maintained Fellow member status in SAFPA for at least 3 years at the date they would enter office. They require excellent facilitation, communication, delegation, leadership and diplomacy skills, with the ability to multi-task and complete projects on time. Term of Office: Begins 1 July of the election year, then one year as president and one year as past president. SECRETARY/TREASURER The Secretary/Treasurer oversees the financial position of the organization and reports our financial position at the Board of Directors (BOD) and membership meetings. They act in a strategic manner that emphasizes long-range vision, proactive leadership on key financial issues, and policy development that will define and guide the ongoing work of the organization. This officer will review and oversee monthly financial statements, ensuring financial policies are respected, and present the financial statements to the BOD and SAFPA members. They oversee the preparation of the annual audited financial statements and present these statements to the Annual General Meeting. They also ensure SAFPA records and minutes are obtained, maintained and sign approved minutes in accordance with the By-Laws. Eligibility: Required to be both a SAFPA and an AAPA member in good standing. Qualifications: A highly motivated officer with exceptional integrity, leadership qualities, excellent communications skills, knowledge of finances and with the ability to work in a team/collaborative environment. **It is strongly recommended that they have prior BOD experience. Term of Office: Two years beginning 1 July of the election year. First year term position is the treasure/Secretary Elect. Second year term is the primary Treasure/Secretary position. BOARD OF DIRECTORS (BOD) POSITIONS: DIRECTOR AT LARGE OF COMMUNICATIONS The Directors at Large (DALs) of Communications are primarily responsible for the SAFPA newsletter, Towner-Shafer Report (TSR), and social media (Twitter and Facebook) accounts. It is responsibility of the DALs of Communications to solicit the general SAFPA membership for articles, then edit and compile the TSR in addition to writing a TSR article (ex: medical apps, medical history, etc). They will also update Facebook and Twitter, preferably weekly or bi-weekly and as pertinent information is available. It is also their responsibility to work with the DALs for Membership to maintain membership contact information in order to disperse updates and information to SAFA members. The DALs for Communications will be available for any special tasks assigned by the President. Eligibility: Required to be both a SAFPA and an AAPA member in good standing. Qualifications: They require excellent communication, leadership, technological and diplomacy skills with the ability to multi-task, complete projects on time and work in a team/collaborative environment. Term of Office: Two years beginning 1 July of the election year. Each DAL is elected in alternating years to maintain continuity of tasks. DIRECTOR AT LARGE OF MEMBERSHIP The Directors at Large (DALs) for Membership are responsible for management of the SAFPA membership by recruiting new members, entering new memberships (for the graduating IPAP students/HPSP/Direct ascensions), updating existing memberships and ensuring reminders are sent to those with memberships close to expiration. These officers will work hand-in-hand with the DALs of Communications and AND/AFRES DALs to ensure the most up to date contact information is available for all members. They will maintain a membership database to identify SAFPA members with active AAPA memberships and report this to the President and Chief Delegate for AAPA accounting towards house of delegate seats. The DALs of Membership will strive to identify ways to enhance benefits and make SAFPA membership meaningful to future, current and past USAF PAs. They will be available for any special tasks assigned by the President. Eligibility: Required to be both a SAFPA and an AAPA member in good standing. Qualifications: They require excellent communication, leadership, technological, social and diplomacy skills with the ability to multi-task, complete projects on time and work in a team/collaborative environment. Term of Office: Two years beginning 1 July of the election year. Each DAL is elected in alternating years to maintain continuity of tasks. DIRECTOR AT LARGE OF ACTIVITIES The Directors at Large (DALs) of Activities are primarily responsible for helping plan CME and fund-raising activities. These officers will work with the SAFPA President, the Associate Corps Chief, and be a member on the Air Force PA Readiness Course (AFPARC) Committee. In the event there is no AFPARC they may be required to plan a SAFPA Conference (if voted on by the BOD). This officer will process and manage all CME published in the SAFPA newsletter, the Towner-Shafer Report. They are also involved with increasing membership exposure to Performance Improvement and Self-Assessment CME (through acquisition from other organizations or recruitment of members to author CME). These DALs develop activities to raise funds to support the organization and current scholarships and will also submit an article for each edition of the SAFPA newsletter highlighting current/future activities. The DALs for Activities will be available for any special tasks assigned by the President. Eligibility: Required to be both a SAFPA and an AAPA member in good standing. Qualifications: They require creativity, excellent communication, leadership, and diplomacy skills with the ability to multi-task, complete projects on time and work in a team/collaborative environment. Term of Office: Two years beginning 1 July of the election year. Each DAL is elected in alternating years to maintain continuity of tasks. DIRECTOR AT LARGE OF ANG/AFRES The Directors at Large (DALs) of the ANG/AFRES is the key person that represents the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve for SAFPA. These officers will work with the Associate Corps Chiefs, SAFPA President and other DALs to enlist ANG/AFRES membership. They will advocate with the SAFPA Chief Delegate and AAPA HOD in the best interest and desires of the represented ANG/AFRES states and the SAFPA membership at large. Eligibility: Required to be both a SAFPA and an AAPA member in good standing. Qualifications: They require creativity, excellent communication, leadership, and diplomacy skills with the ability to multi-task, complete projects on time and work in a team/collaborative environment. Term of Office: Two years beginning 1 July of the election year. Each DAL is elected in alternating years to maintain continuity of tasks. CHIEF HOUSE OF DELEGATES & HOUSE OF DELEGATES (HOD) The Chief Delegate for SAFPA to AAPA is responsible for certification of delegates to AAPA. They take an active role in executing the duties of the BOD including participation in meetings (in person or via virtual teleconference-VTC) that focus on development or continuation of policies, society management, committee establishment, and providing inputs to SAFPA meeting minutes and reports. The Chief Delegate will, in a timely manner, provide all available information to the society’s members regarding topics of discussion to be presented at the AAPA HOD during the next voting assembly (typically at the annual AAPA conference). The Delegates will openly accept inputs from the members of the society regarding topics of interest to be presented or represented at the AAPA HOD. The Delegates shall confer with each other and provide a vote representing the opinions and desires of the society’s membership. They will advocate with the AAPA HOD in the best interest and desires of the SAFPA membership at large. In turn, the Chief Delegate will report back to the SAFPA membership body on its voting record, outcomes of votes and topical highlights from each HOD session. Eligibility: Required to be both a SAFPA and an AAPA member in good standing Qualifications: Require excellent communication, leadership, social and diplomacy skills with the ability to multi-task, complete projects on time and work in a team/collaborative environment. **It is strongly recommended that this person has prior BOD experience. Term of Office: Two years beginning 1 July of the election year. Each delegate is elected in alternating years to maintain continuity within the HOD. DIVERSITY, EQUITY, & INCLUSION (DEI) The Society of Air Force Physician Assistants is committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. The policies adopted by SAFPA reflect those of The American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA) as well as the United States Air Force. We are steadfast in our commitment to promoting and fostering an environment of inclusion and diversity. As PAs advocating for DEI has been a cornerstone of our career field since its inception, we will continue to innovate and advocate for our members. The DEI officer will act as an advocate on behalf of all SAFPA members to continue to provide education and resources to enhance the cultural competency of our service members. They will collaborate with AAPA and USAF to promote cross-organizational implementation of equity and inclusion programs. This position is in its infancy and you will have an opportunity to shape it. More coming soon! Eligibility: Required to be both a SAFPA and an AAPA member in good standing Qualifications: Require excellent communication, leadership, social and diplomacy skills with the ability to multi-task, complete projects on time and work in a team/collaborative environment. Term of Office: Two years beginning 1 July of the election year. Each DAL is elected in alternating years to maintain continuity of tasks. |